Red Feather Society Members
How to Become a Red Feather Member
Membership in the Red Feather Society is open to individuals or couples who donate at least $500 to Northern Berkshire United Way’s annual campaign. Many members use payroll deductions for their giving; others make tax-advantaged gifts with appreciated securities.
($50,000 AND ABOVE)
Specialty Minerals Inc.
($25,000 TO $49,999)
Adams Community Bank
Greylock Federal Credit Union
($10,000 to $24,999)
Ruth Proud Trust
The Feigenbaum Foundation, Inc.
MountainOne Bank, Insurance & Investments
National Grid
($5,000 to $9,999)
Adams Plumbing & Heating Inc. Williams College
($1,500 to $4,999)
Smith Bros.-McAndrews Ins.
Wild Oats Market
Berkshire Bank
General Dynamics Adv. Info Systems
($5,000 to $9,999)
Charles and Lisa O'Brien
($2,500 TO $4,999)
Eugene Carlson
Jeffrey and Teresa Daignault
Deborah Leonczyk
Dianne Cutillo and Bernie Pinsonnault
Thomas and Ellen Ennis
(1,000 TO $2,499)
Travis Alibozek
Garrett Alibozek
Osmin and Monica Alvarez
David and Jen Armet
Travis Atwell
Ryan Bailey
Jeffrey Baribeault
Ellen J. Bernstein
Candido Berthelly Candelario
Israel Berthelly Candelario
David and Pamela Bissaillon
Laila Boucher
James Brosnan
Timothy and Brenda Burdick
Peter Cardinal
Nate Champagne
Marc Chapman
Andre Charbonneau
Brian A. Choquette
Laurence and Frances Choquette
Sharon Coe
Robert and Shari Collins
Paula Consolini and Jim Mahon
Mark Coviello
John Crosby
Timothy Crosier
Jake Crowley
Troy Dean
Patricia Dean
Jonathan S. Denmark, Esq.
Gerald and Mary Desmarais
Adam Desrosiers
Joseph and Mary Dintino
Daniel Dobbert
Marty and Elizabeth Durant
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Durning, Jr.
Shawn Enos
Jeremy Gambell
Brock Gazaille
Susan Gold
Maria Greig-Williams
Cindy and Ed Grosso
Sherwood Guernsey, II
Barbara Guido
Evan Hassett
Ian McDevitt Keleher
Mike and Kelly Keleher
Richard Kelly
Ellen Kennedy and Mark Gold
John and Kathleen Lanoue
Angel Lathrop
Tom Lesnick
Shane Levesque
Gary A. Malloy
Paul Marszalek
Thomas M. Matuszak
Samuel R. McCauley
Jacqueline and John McNinch
Steven and Paula Meczywor
Jay Meczywor
Nicholas Mekdeci
Jacob Millard
Jonathan Miller
Peter and Michele Mirante
Allan Mongeon
Corey and Dana Mullen
Northern Berkshire Community Coalition
Stephen O’Dell
Jean Culver and Stephen Pagnotta
James and Barbara Parrott
Chad and Tina Pause
Jeff Pecor
Laura A. Pelczynski
William B. Primmer
Thomas Primmer
Raymond and Barbara Ranzoni
Eric Reinhold
Kevin and Sherri Reynolds
Glenn and Anne Reynolds
Drew Romaniak
Nico Romano
Stephanie Scott and Richard Alley
Russell Senecal
Christopher Shoestock
Tyler Shoestock
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Smeglin
Derek Sumner
Ellen Sutherland and John Franzoni
Charles and Katie Swabey
Mark Therrien
Robert Therrien
Brian and Rachel Tomkowicz
Jorge Tovar
Lisa Trybus
Elena Tucker
Nicholas Walden
Cody White
Michael Zieba
Jacob Ziter
($500 TO $999)
A-1 Septic & Sewer Service
Nicholas Abuisi
Mary Alarie
Trenton Andrews
Joseph and Kathy Arabia
Bryce and Phyllis Babcock
Maureen and Jerry Baran
Steven Barbeau
Nancy Bateman
Linda J. Becker
Bedard Brothers Auto Sales Inc.
Carolyn Behr
Berkmatics Inc.
Berkshire Community Action Council
Tyler A. Bissaillon
John and Melissa Bissell
Lisa and Bill Blackmer
Theresa M. Bohl
Kristin Bona
Gabriella M. Bond
Scott Botto
Laurie Boudreau
Joanne M. Bowman
Boxcar Media, LLC
Janet Brennan
Bonnie A. Callanan
Stephanie Cardinal
Kristen Ciampa
Joseph P. Ciuk
Kara M. Clark
George T. Crane
Kody Crosier
Jacob and Amanda Dabrowski
Braedon Delmolino
Christopher and Michelle Dodig
Pamela Dolle
Christa Collier and Travis Dupont
James Durand
Sara Durant
John Duval
Courtney Enos
Brad Felix
Paul Gaudreau
Marc Gotlieb
Michael W. Gwozdz
Amy Hall
Lynne DeLay and Samuel Humes
Cathy M. Johnson
Elizabeth Kapner
Marissa Kirchner
Matthew Kirchner
David and Rebecca Krysiak
Kenneth N. Kuttner
Sara LaLumia
Raymond Larabee
James Lathrop
Nicholas Lawrence
Pamela Lillie
Richard N. Lincourt
John and Bonnie Lipa
David W. Loehlin
Barbara A. Malkas
Lorraine and Albert Mancuso
McAndrews King GMC, Inc.
Stephanie McCarty
Freddie McClary
Tracy McConnell
Sarah McLain
Doreen Meczywor
Melanie Medon
Jennifer and Jeff Meehan
Jordan Mendez
Patti Messina
JamieEllen and Joseph Moncecchi
Rick Moon
Iris and John Moresi
David and Amy Moresi
Megan E. Morey
Renelle Moser
Charles and Sharon DeMyer Nemser
Darren Noel
Christopher M.B. Nugent
Mary-Kate Nunn
Donald J. Pause, Jr.
Anna M. Plantinga
Felix and Helen Puccio
Michele C. Rech
Reginald Rondeau
Tracy Rose
Robert Rougeau
Karen Rowe
Scott M. Rozon
Thomas and Maryjane Rumbolt
Zachery Serrano
Michael Shea
James Shippee
Stephen and Ellen Smachetti
Alyssa Sporbert
Michael Sullivan
Samantha Tanner
Colleen Taylor
Corydon Thurston and Joelle Collins
Joseph and Marilyn Truskowski
Emily Turner
Sue Walker
Alison J. Warner
Rich Weisenflue and Beth Nichols
Mike Weslowski
Eric White
Julie Zdon
Barak Zungy
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