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Northern Berkshire United Way Statement on Racial Equity


Northern Berkshire United Way adamantly opposes discrimination, racism, bigotry, oppression and hate, overt or otherwise.

We acknowledge that structural racism and other forms of oppression have contributed to persistent disparities nationally and here in our community. We will strive to engage fellow community members, especially those whose voices have traditionally been marginalized.

Northern Berkshire United Way believes that every person is entitled to be treated with dignity and respect – this includes equal treatment under law and access to justice. As an organization, we are committed to ensuring people of color have equal access to a quality education and healthcare, financial stability and essential safety net services.

We must do the work to make our community diverse, equitable, inclusive, respectful and opportunity-filled.

In order to build sustainable, inclusive, and resilient organizations and communities and ensure a culture where each community member, employee and volunteer feels valued and supported, Northern Berkshire United Way is committed to:

  • Being an anti-racist organization.

  • Publicly post an organization position opposing all forms of racism.

  • Providing annual anti-racism training for all board members and staff.

  • Using racial equity as one of the criteria in making community investments.

  • Conducting organizational assessments of all of our policies, practices, and programs to better reflect the values we hold of equity and justice.

  • Promoting programming that promotes equity, advances opportunity and heals the trauma of racism. 

  • Working with our community partners, we will support the creation of pathways to wealth for communities of color (BIPOC).

We expect staff, volunteers, and collaborative and community partners to uphold these values as we work together to build a more equitable and inclusive community. Harassment, bullying, and discrimination will not be tolerated.

We consider diversity, equity, and inclusion integral to our work, and at the heart of what it means to Live United.


Northern Berkshire United Way Directors and Staff

Adopted   May 19, 2021


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